Bodhi-Time Bodyworks
Therapeutic Massage, Thai Massage, and MediCupping™
About Jenni Lyn Cooper


I developed a strong foundation in Shiatsu and Swedish Massage at the Downeast School of Massage I studied Thai Massage in Northern Thailand on two different trips to Chiang Mai, and have had additional training in America, finally, sharing the knowledge, teaching to students, myself.

Since then, I have had years of education classes and seminars to learn how to help people with many different problems. The nice thing about continued education and additional training is that the tool box gets bigger and better along the way. This makes every session unique to the person receiving the work. No two treatments are the same. Everyone has their own special needs, every single time they come in for a treatment, and I understand this.

My work focus is in three very different therapeutic treatments, which can overlap and be integrated in each session, or stand alone sessions driven by achieving a new mobility, range of movement, or change in tissue or muscle function. 

Therapeutic Table Massage using cream or oils on the skin, with deep tissue, myo-fascial trigger point therapy, and the basis of traditional Swedish Massage movements:  effleurage (long gliding warming moves), petrissage (squeezing and kneading), friction (faster more vibratory movements), or tapotement (percussive movements).  "There is nothing better that a good therapeutic Swedish massage, for making everything feel so relaxed and loose."



Classic Thai Massage - Great to achieve greater range of motion, joint mobility, increased flexibility, and reduce stagnation, Thai Massage is done fully dressed in loose comfortable clothing, on a floor mat. Increased flexibility is just one of the benefits. The rocking rhythmic flow of a good Thai Massage treatment, along with targeted Acupressure is deeply relaxing, and seeks to reduce stagnation in the body, mind, and spirit.


Jenni Lyn studied Thai massage at the ITM School of Massage in Chaing Mai,  as well as Advanced Thai massage and herbal compresses at Baan Hom Samunphrai,, a very special school near Chiang Mai, and at Kripalu in Western Massachusetts. She found this to be a good complement to her Shiatsu training and often combines the treatments into one incredible session.

"Traveling to Thailand several times, for Advanced Thai Massage and natural healing helped me learn how to move the body, client as well as practitioner, so that we can get the best stretch with breath control and mobility. I know people leave my office feeling great relief. My teacher at Baan Hom is a fantastic educator, third generation healer, and i learned so very much from her."


MediCupping, or Massage Cupping, also called VacuTherapy, can be used to relieve inflammation, drain/move fluids in soft tissue, move stagnation, improve circulation, restrictions in tissue communication, like scar tissue, or range of movement restriction due to surgical scarring or injury.  MediCupping is based on the same principles as traditional Asian cupping, however it is a moving flowing work, in contrast to treatments that do not actively move the cups on the skin. Moving the cups along the areas of restriction and inflammation, in specific directions can lift and "unstick" stuck areas affected by chronic injury or recent surgery. 


MediCupping is unbelievable in scar reformation. Old Caesarian scars, injuries that have puckered scars or chronic restrictions, digestive issues, bursitis, TMJ, plantar fasciaitis, neuralgia, fibromialgia, and the list goes on. Using an "Active Cup" approach keeps the cup dynamic and moving along the skin, to sedate or stimulate, in contrast to the types of cupping you might have seen in the Olympics where the cup is "parked" in a particular area, creating rings of broken capillaries. Particularly good on the feet for those with peripheral neuropathy, or numbness, MediCupping is an amazing, gently, different treatment.

Whether gentle relaxation stress reduction or therapeutic table massage, floor mat work, clothed Thai and Shiatsu Massage, or Medi-Cupping, the work is just for your body, for your mind, and for your spirit.  Jenni Lyn listens to each person with an open heart, and lets each session unfold as it does, just for that particular person, with only one goal: to help you feel better.


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